the illusion of separateness

The illusion of separateness is real.

Surely there’s some ‘rule’ around not starting a sentence – or in this case, an entire story – with an oxymoron.  But, here I am, doing just that.  I bet you’re asking why.  And if you weren’t, now you’re thinking yeah worth considering, I suppose.  Well:  Its because the illusion of separateness is real.  Fucking real. 

Especially for humans.

Are you thinking: Im human I don’t feel it?  Careful now, because im human too and if you don’t feel it well fuck, there’s that illusion just now.

Ha. I chide.

But put this on while you read. Serious:

just do it

Social Media is a whore

There is no doubt that almost everyone with some kind of social media account is aware of some kind of turmoil affecting the human race.  Whether it’s Brexit or terrorism, or Trump (or Hillary), or falling prices of some agricultural goods (and the effect this is having on farmers) or immigration or climate change or gun control or racism or just a disdain with some political pseudo-issue in general –  it’s hard to see much light amongst all this overwhelming darkness.

We find articles, videos, posts, statuses and shares that support our opposition to the above (or other), and we add them to our newsfeed too.  And then to yours.  It then becomes the conversation at the weekend, in the workplace, at the shop counter, online, everywhere.  Doesn’t sound like much fun, does it?  (This also explains cat videos, read: fun)

Our information cosmos is currently riddled to bursting, with fear. Continue reading

Politically incorrect

There are a lot of stupid things that people say and think.  Especially politicians and celebrities (‘celebrities’ perhaps a very loose term, in many cases – like ‘celebrity’ chef, for example).  And there’s a lot that we subsequently complain about and protest over or are against.

Perhaps though, we’re not quite sure why we’re against it, or why it rubs us the wrong way (or why we’ve jumped on that passing bandwagon), although it’s most likely because the reality of many of the statements, policies and decisions the populace bears, or that much of what we hear and read, is simply not fair, sensible, reasonable, logical or justifiable – despite best attempts to hide this truth.

Imagine if people just cut the shit, quit being ‘politically correct’ and just didn’t care (or didn’t have to care) if some people were offended by what they said or thought (similar to how I might speak at times).

Its like a speech and thought version of an Instagram #nofilter, or Jim Carey in Liar Liar, or Jeremy Clarkson, in real life…

Well, here are some alternatives or possibilities – without any political correctness or blatant lying, without veiled agenda or hidden meaning – that might serve to explain a lot of what goes on in today’s world (and lets face it, not all people would be offended by, or care about some of the statements to follow).

(Try imagining your favourite politician’s voice, like Tony Abbott, or some other redneck, fascist, ignoramus or bigot)

NB:  These possible statements are probably not the views shared by all people you might apply them to, but could most likely be, were they able to stomach the consequences of their own thoughts.


On the environment:

  • We have an abundance of natural resources, lets use them as fast as possible – fuck the future, lets enjoy life. – We wont be here for the end of the world anyway!
  • We need to plunder and pillage every inch of earth we’ve got because unfortunately, our insane economic system that governs the world, relies on infinite, constant growth, even though everything the planet provides is not infinite itself! – Crazy huh?!
  • Electricity is cheap, so no need to be thrifty when it comes to its use – we’re not going to live forever!
  • Electricity is expensive, so no need to be thrifty when it comes to its use – they should bring the prices down!

(These above two statements can also be applied to fuel, water and essentially, the whole gamut of unrenewable resources we live off)

  • We have such clean water, surely a little pollution wont hurt?
  • Just because catastrophic and extraordinary climatic events seem to be occurring with more frequency – as observed by most average people – doesn’t mean anything is actually different!
  • Drive faster. Accelerate and break as hard as possible, fuck fuel economy, its far more important we hit the next red light before anyone else.

Tony Abbott - Australia's current leader, and potentially the most bigoted and idiotic politician that the world has ever seen

Tony Abbott – Australia’s current leader, and potentially the most bigoted and idiotic politician that the world has ever seen

On money, taxation and employment:

  • A small percentage of society has decided that your skills, knowledge and attributes aren’t worth that much so in turn, you wont get much reward, despite your commitment.
  • A small percentage of society has decided that my skills, knowledge and attributes are worth much more than yours, so I shall enjoy this, irrespective of whether or not it can be justified! – Cheers!
  • I deserve all the concessions and compromises being made by everyone but me, because I deserve to be rich and now that I am, ill be trapped in an infinite battle to ‘have the most’ – how else can I be expected to compete!

On terrorism, national security and human rights:

  • Essentially, if you disagree too strongly with the ruling government, you’re a terrorist, and you will be singled out.
  • Any ‘threat’ – even a perceived one – is a great excuse to install laws to monitor everyone in the populace. The mainstream media is a great place to drum up those excuses too!
  • For some time now, we’ve been happily buying and selling information from clandestine and known sources, unbeknownst to those we’re monitoring. Everyone does it, will continue to do so, and you’ve not really got much chance of exposing us!
  • Most asylum seekers have beards or brown skin, which is a common characteristic of terrorists or just generally unwelcome people, which is really why we’re trying to stop them.
  • Treating asylum seekers so badly is a tactic we use to discourage them from coming here.
  • Women are inferior to men, because they just are.

On health:

  • Well im young and fit now, so I might as well fuck myself up as much as possible and not care
  • Short term gains are much more important than the longevity of my health, so of course ill use steroids if there’s a festival coming up – sun’s out guns out!
  • I don’t really understand the basis of what im doing, but if its popular on a skinny girl’s/healthy girl’s/fit guy’s/ripped guy/s Instagram, it must be good for me, right?

And finally:

  • If the government is constantly spending money buying, building and erecting shiny fancy things, then everything must be alright, alright?
  • I talk a lot of shit, but no-one can really hold me accountable for it and if someone can, ill still be laughing all the way to the bank!

If you’ve got any other topics or ideas that have questionable justification, feel free to post in the comments below.

3 things you can make for christmas gifts

Everything we buy has some cost outside of what we actually pay at the counter.  Whether its the cost to the person who made it and the precious time that they might have to spend away from their family, the cost on our environment or shipping lanes and the wildlife effected, or the cost of fuel to transport something from its origin of manufacturing to the store, there is always a hidden story within every product we consume and use.  More often than not unfortunately, this cost isn’t factored in to how much we pay for a product, basically meaning that the earth or the person or people that made it, are barely even getting any thanks for what they’ve provided!

a little stash of my sister’s old clothes. just need a little paint, some scissors, stitching here and there, some glue, a few embellishments and a creative twist!

One way we can avoid making an unnecessary impact on our planet, or avoid needless exploitation, is by buying locally produced goods.  Beyond this though, why not try making your Christmas gifts (or gifts for any other time, for that matter)?  It means virtually no impact on the planet (depending on whether or not you have to buy anything additional) and not least, spending less money!  Here are my ‘3 things’.

My sister is moving overseas this year, so i was lucky enough to be able to have a search through all of her old clothes and accessories, and found quite a stash of potential pre-loved pieces that ill be able to perfectly prime for presentation to some precious peeps.

  Think recycled fashion and wares, once loved, now re-loved.

Pieces can be adorned with little embellishments you might find lying around, and all it takes is a bit of creativity and some simple stitching or good quality glue to refashion something old, into something unique and refreshed – all with your own personal, loving touch!

Another little treasure i discovered lying around at home – and the second of my ‘3 things ill be making for Christmas’ – are these little ceramic pots (pictured below).  With a bit of love, there are so many ways that they can be turned into something special and fun.  I’m going to paint them with chalkboard paint (which you can easily find at any hardware store) so i can write little messages on them for the giftees (they’ll then be able to rub it off and use it anyway they like – who needs post-it notes!).  I also plan on using dried flowers, stuck firm in a little cork base to keep them standing tall, and after cleaning and lining the pots with plastic, they’ll be ready to fill with number three of the little gifts ill be making this Christmas!

little ceramic pots i found in the garage. so many other uses

Making food or giving food as gifts is a great Christmas idea that reduces our impact on the earth, provides a little personal touch and also benefits others, helping them to reduce their impact too!  For my third homemade xmas gift, I’ll be filling these little pots with some homemade icecream i’ll be making – something that is much easier to make than you may think, might i add.  – All you really need is some eggs, sugar, lots of cream and some funky flavours to make it memorable.  I’m going to make mine with almond, gin and orange zest.  Find a recipe online and get involved!

There really is no limit to the ways in which we can look at our gift-giving choices throughout the year – only your creativity.  One thing that is for sure though, is that there is a new lease on life to be found in so many things that we think we can no longer use!  So get inspired and re-use, recycle and re-love this Christmas.  Save your cash and save a piece of the planet too!

‘3things’ is an initiative of Oxfam Australia.  It is a:  “movement for global goodness. The idea is that if we all take steps to act ethically, sustainably and generously we can change the world one individual decision at a time. This can happen on a local, national or global scale – and through our combined small actions we can reduce poverty, live in a world where everyone has the opportunity to express their basic human rights and the environment is sustained.”

find out more here


you wouldnt treat your mother like this

mother earth - seen here slowly dying

the following article may not necessarily be the finest example of what it is that is infuriating me, but it has certainly proved to be the final straw of stupidity and ignorance that has prodded my anger its one last time.  So here I am, and here it is:

It seems that, for all the complaining and stigma resulting from these proposed ‘carbon taxes’, the media, the general public, carbon tax opponents and even the government (no surprise here actually) is failing to mention one fundamentally important reason why these carbon taxes ought to be recognised as an absolute necessity – end of the world anyone?

As gross an exaggeration as the ‘end of the world’ may seem, it’s certainly not something that wont eventually happen.  Now – with the help of the human race – we have the chance to make this occur as fast as we possibly can! Interestingly, we’re currently killing our race, faster than any race before us.

Fuck these carbon taxes and the fact that they suggest we should actually cut down on the resources we use, and save our money that way (the earth is just a bonus now?).  Why can we not go on enjoying electricity and gas in exorbitant amounts, like we’ve got multiple planets to skip between, as we leave a trail of destruction and depletion in our selfish wake?  Besides, you’ll only be here for 70 years or so, it really just isn’t your problem.

Perhaps this is our prime minister’s attitude – no need to mention that users should absorb the tax, pay the actual amount that these resources are worth to us – relative to their scarcity – and reduce expenses, by reducing consumption, hence her failure to pitch her idea  suggesting we cut back.

In an unfortunate period of ‘democracy’ and ‘government’ detached from the greater part of humanity’s needs, and geared entirely around profit and money, the small numbers of those reigning over our lives could hardly please us all?  Its the few fucking the few – creating one big incestuous and dim-witted, short-sighted, narrow-minded family (you still want to join them?) – and then, fucking the many.  Rest assured they’ll sell you the lube to make it less unpleasant but hey, they need the money – and you need lube.

The most poignant protest we can make against these ‘carbon taxes’ – whether they come to fruition or not – is as simple as using less electricity and lessening our dependence on the overused, over-needed and overloved products that deceitful governments in tandem with a selfish, greed-driven corporate machine poison our lives with.

Its time we paid for the earth we live in.  Gleeful thoughtless rape just wont do.