The Covid !9 diaries, PART I

The Covid !9 diaries, PART I

BATEATER {colloquialism, noun} – Someone whose decisions generally fuck everything up for everybody. ‘ It was at this point that Donald knew he was a bateater’ I remember the moment when I realized COVID!9 was actually going to become a thing here in our red-brown country on the corner of the global map. Unlike fast … Continue reading

the illusion of separateness

the illusion of separateness

Surely there’s some ‘rule’ around not starting a sentence – or in this case, an entire story – with an oxymoron.  But, here I am, doing just that.  I bet you’re asking why.  And if you weren’t, now you’re thinking yeah worth considering, I suppose.  Well:  Its because the illusion of separateness is real.  Fucking real.  Continue reading

Tinder is real life and you know it

According to Hootsuite and We Are Social, following the sixth year of their reporting, 16 million Australians are now on Facebook.  With 75% of these users checking their social media at least once a day (compared to the global average of 55%), its hard to understand why people still believe – and even stranger, maintain … Continue reading

Propaganda is Propaganda, no matter what

Propaganda is Propaganda, no matter what

The following article contains imagery, philosophy and opinion of an intense and controversial nature.  If you feel as though this may cause you concern or discomfort, it is recommended  you do not read any further.

Social Media is a whore

There is no doubt that almost everyone with some kind of social media account is aware of some kind of turmoil affecting the human race.  Whether it’s Brexit or terrorism, or Trump (or Hillary), or falling prices of some agricultural goods (and the effect this is having on farmers) or immigration or climate change or … Continue reading